Life is hard and it breaks everyone, but some grow back stronger in the broken places, Ernest Hemingway.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Follow up to the Chicken Nugget

Ok, so we did it! We are officially a "whole food" family. Two and a half months later and we are still committed. 10 weeks ago I bought 10 lbs of ground beef and one roast from a farmer who feeds his own cattle only grass. We still have 2 pounds left! We eat 95% vegetarian and as natural as we can get it. NO fast food!!!! And since most restaurants don't do whole food, neither do we. I give my daughter most of the credit. When I have waivered she has encouraged me to stick with it. Here are the tough parts:

School lunches-- got to get creative here. Tough to pack and veggies and dip get boring.
My lunches -- I'm on the road in small town Oklahoma 2-3 days per week. The local mexican food joint is NOT whole food. So I've gotten creative, started packing my own snacks and eat a lot of salads. That's about as whole as I can get at some of these places.
Budget -- it is MORE expensive. But kinda brings a new challenge to the whole affair!

Other than that, it's not that hard. We've had fun coming up with new recipes and trying new foods. Made my first butternut squash last week for heaven sakes. And my kids LOVE new things like couscous, butternut squash, baked sweet hard sell teen even packs his own lunch and now eats CARRoTS!! Miracles never cease.

It is hard not to get preachy about this. Cause people ask... But i try to keep it simple. .. answers range from "trying to lose weight" to "trying to stop the corporate takeover of our world"...and some variations in between.

Anyway, it's been fun! Now that summer is over and the farm market is closed...this will get more challenging. Keep your fingers crossed that we can keep this up!