Life is hard and it breaks everyone, but some grow back stronger in the broken places, Ernest Hemingway.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The World Spins Onward

Well it's been quite a month. The Egyptian people threw out their Dictator and demanded a new government. I'm surviving another spouse-less Valentines Day. Justin Beiber did not win the expected grammy and my daughter just ate her first boca burger. Yet the world has not twisted off its axis and continues to spin.

I admittedly did not watch a lot of the Egyptian protests, partly because I was afraid I'd jinx them. I did watch Tianemen Square faithfully and look how that one turned out. I'm really happy for the Egyptian folks and truly hope this turns out well. I was just settling into this idea of the insignificance of individual thought and social justice when they pulled this one out of their hats. It's nice to know that protests still have positive consequences, even in hard-line Muslim countries.

My own little battles continue. There isn't enough money to send my son to the college of his dreams. Life as a thinking progressive in red state, conservative Oklahoma is a burden. We struggle to keep up the fight against consumerism and processed food. Finding a church in my city where I don't already know the "dirt" is impossible and fighting this life-long struggle with my judgmental spirit marches on. The ex can't seem to make up his mind regarding child support and my kids remain without a connection to their father. But in the big picture, I suppose these are small things.

Watching the Grammy awards last night remind me that I'm getting old. Even though I can smile watching Gaga emerge from an egg/womb like thing, I am not part of her target market. My son didn't know who Mick Jagger was. My friend's son referred to Barbra Streisand as "that Focker mom" and no matter how many "recoveries" he has, I don't think Eminem should be producing domestic violence videos. Oh well.

Today I will be thankful for the large and small things. Bieber didn't win a grammy. The Egyptians get to pick a new government (hopefully). Boca burgers still taste good. I have three incredible, healthy, progressive-thinking children. I can smile at Lady Gaga. And the world is still spinning.