Life is hard and it breaks everyone, but some grow back stronger in the broken places, Ernest Hemingway.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New achievement

Ok, I know this sounds silly but I'm really proud of the fact that I opened a new savings account today. Yes, I am 47 years old and have never had a savings account as an adult. Not that I haven't tried....there has never been much to save...well there has never been anything to save.

Being a single mom is truly over-rated. After the divorce and ensuing debt, I have really, really struggled to make it financially. I KNOW all the rules...I listened to Dave Ramsey ad nauseum for heaven sakes! But when you don't have don't have it! As I began a new post-divorce career, it took two years to finish my advanced degree, two years to get licensed, four years to find a job with a company who paid a living wage and about another year to play catch up. Of course none of this has been smooth. There have been broken appliances, broken down cars, and now two children in college. But just last month I bought my very first appliance, without help of credit or spouse or friend. I bought a dryer! I appreciate that dryer! I love that dryer!

And now I love my new savings account. I am certain it will be called upon to continue to fix and update the old appliances and to pay tuition and expenses at local universities. But I'm proud of myself for getting to this place without giving up.

We have gone two full months without mail that comes in a pink envelope (my daughter noticed this). I've gone two full months of paying ALL the bills ON time! There are still a few old creditors out there who continue to find me, but I am now in a position to set up small, regular payments with them. I have a new dryer. I have a savings account. Dave Ramsey would be proud!

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